Getting around - Lesson 2 - Self-Evaluation Quiz:

Alla biglietteria della stazione ferroviaria

(At the ticket window on the railway station)

(photo by  JohnPickenPhoto used under terms of Creative Commons license.)
train station milan


Part I

Situation 1: You are at the Central Station in Naples. You want to buy a round-trip, second-class ticket to Rome. What do you say to the ticket agent?

Situation 2: Ask the ticket agent, "Isn't there any second class on the Palatino?

Situation 3: Ask him, "How much is a first-class ticket?

Situation 4: AUDIO ONLY.

Situation 5:  Tell the ticket agent to give you a first-class ticket.

Situation 6: Stop a passerby and ask him what time it is.

Situation 7: Ask the ticket agent where the toilets are.

Situation 8: You are between trains and have time for a quick lunch. Ask where the restaurant is.


Part II


Write the ticket prices in Arabic numerals.


1. ______________

2. ______________

3. ______________

4. ______________

5. ______________

6. ______________

7. ______________

8. ______________

9. ______________

10. ______________


Part III


Write the times you hear in Arabic numerals.



1. ______________

2. ______________

3. ______________

4. ______________

5. ______________

6. ______________

7. ______________

8. ______________

9. ______________

10. ______________



Part IV


You will hear five directions given in Italian. After each direction, select the appropriate English equivalent from the six choices, a through f.


1. ______________

a. it’s over there.

2. ______________

b. it’s at the end of the hallway

3. ______________

c. it's to the right

4. ______________

d. it's in the back of the room

5. ______________

e. it's at the end of the hallway, to the left


f. it's at the end of the hallway, to the right





Key to Self-evaluation Quiz

Part I

1. Un biglietto di andata e ritorno, seconda classe per Roma, per favore. OR Mi dia un biglietto di andata e ritorno, seconda classe per Roma, per favore.

2. Non c'è la seconda classe sul Palatino?

3. Quanto costa un biglietto di prima classe?

4. (Non c'è la seconda classe in questi treni.)

There is no second class on these trains.

5. Mi dia una prima. OR Mi dia un biglietto di prima classe.

6. Mi scusi, Signore. Che ore sono? OR Mi scusi, Signore. Che ora è?

7. Dove sono i gabinetti?

8. Dov'è il ristorante?


Part II

1. Ottomilasettecentotrenta lire

2. Quindicimilaquattrocento lire

3. Quattromilacinquecento lire

4. Ventiduemilatrecentoquaranta lire

5. Novemilaottocentosessanta lire

6. Diciassettemiladuecentoottanta lire

7. Trentamilacinquecentoventicinque li

8. Seimilacentotrenta lire

9. Diecimiladuecentoottanta lire

10. Sedicimilatrecentoquaranta lire


Part III


1. Mezzogiorno e mezzo

6. le cinque e cinque

2. Le otto meno un quarto

7. le quattro meno dieci

3. Le nove e mezzo

8. le otto e un quarto

4. L'una e dieci

9. le undici meno venticinque

5. Le dieci meno venti

10. le tre meno cinque


Part IV

1. b

2. f

3; e

4. a

5. c