Getting to know you - Lesson 1

Self-Evaluation Quiz:

Saluti e presentazioni

(Greetings and introductions)

(photo by  Leandro Chemalle used under terms of Creative Commons license.)
greeting and introducing


Situation 1: You are Lieutenant Smith. I am Captain Gentile. It is early afternoon. Greet me and introduce yourself.

Situation 2: You are at an evening party  with your wife, Jane, and you see Captain Gentile. Greet him and introduce your wife.

Situation 3: You want to introduce your husband, Bill, to Mr. Rossi. What do you say to Mr. Rossi?

Situation 4: You have just been introduced to the wife of Captain Gentile. What do you say to her?

Situation 5: You have just been introduced to Admiral Costa. What do you say to him?

Situation 6: You are Lieutenant Commander Jones. I am Captain Gentile. Greet me and ask "How are you?"

Situation 7: AUDIO ONLY

Situation 8: AUDIO ONLY




Key to Self-evaluation Quiz

1. Buon giorno, Signor Capitano. Permette che mi presenti.

Sono il Tenente Smith. OR Buon giorno, Signor Capitano.

Sono il Tenente Smith.

2. Buona sera, Signor Capitano. Vorrei presentarLe mia moglie, Jane.

3. Signor Rossi, vorrei presentarLe mio marito, Bill.

4. Molto lieto, Signora. OR Piacere di conoscerLa.

5. Molto lieto, Signor Ammiraglio. OR Onoratissimo, Signor Ammiraglio.

6. Buon giorno, Signor Capitano. Come sta?

7. (Come sta?)

Bene, grazie, e Lei?

8. (Molto lieto di fare la Sua conoscenza.)

Il piacere è mio.