Shopping - Lesson 4 - Conversation:

Al negozio di frutta e verdura

(At the fruit and vegetable shop)

(photo by  espada842 used under terms of Creative Commons license.)
frutta e verdura



Buon giorno, Signora. Cosa desidera oggi?

Signora Smith:

Mi dia un chilo di lattuga, dei pomodori, ed un chilo di ciliege.


Allora un chilo di lattuga. Quanti pomodori vuole?

Signora Smith:

Me ne dia un chilo, non troppo maturi, per piacere.


Va bene, ed un chilo di ciliege, vero?

Signora Smith:

Si, un chilo. E degli odori.


Le occorre altro?

Signora Smith:

No, è tutto. Quant'è?


Vediamo, lattuga, pomodori, e ciliege. Settemilaquattrocento lire.

Signora Smith:

Ecco diecimila lire.


Questo è il Suo resto. Signora, Lei sa che noi facciamo consegna a domicilio. Può telefonare ed il ragazzo le porta frutta e verdura a casa in giornata.




Good morning, ma'am. What do you wish today?

Mrs. Smith:

Give me a kilo of lettuce, some tomatoes, and a kilo of cherries.


So, a kilo of lettuce. How many tomatoes do you want?

Mrs. Smith:

Give me a kilo of them, not too ripe, please.


OK, and a kilo of cherries, right?

Mrs. Smith:

Yes, a kilo. And some herbs.


Do you need something else?

Mrs. Smith:

No, that's all. How much is it?


Let's see, lettuce, tomatoes, and cherries. 7,400 lire.

Mrs. Smith:

Here are 10,000 lire.


This is your change. Ma'am, you know that we make home deliveries. You can call and the boy will bring [you the] fruit and [the] vegetables home to you during [the] day.


Notes on conversation

1. Non troppo maturi, "not too ripe."

2. Odori are used by most Italian families to enhance the taste of meat, sauce, and broth. They consist of a stalk of celery, parsley, a carrot, and often a small onion. Vegetable sellers may offer them as a bonus to regular customers or sell them for various prices according to their seasonal availability.

3. Occorrere means "to want," "to need." Le occorre, "What do you need?"

4. Il resto, "the change."

5. Fare consegna a domicilio, "to do home delivery."

6. Domicilio, "residence."

7. Ragazzo, "shop boy," may also refer to a fiancé (il mio ragazzo) or fiancée (la mia ragazza).