Telephone calls - Lesson 3 - Self-Evaluation Quiz:

Telefonare all’ENEL / Chiamare un elettricista

(Calling the ENEL / Calling an electrician)

(photo by  Andrea Graziadio used under terms of Creative Commons license.)


Situation 1: Call the Electric Company and ask if they can come and turn on the meter.

Situation 2: Call the Gas Company and ask if they can come to turn on the gas meter.

Situation 3: Call the Telephone Company and ask if they can come to install the telephone.

Situation 4: Call Electricity Lighting and ask if they can send somebody to check the wiring system.

Situation 5: Call the Simonetti Company and ask if they can send somebody to check the water system.

Situation 6: At the post office, tell the clerk:

a, I would like to pay the electric bill.

b. I would like to pay the gas bill.

c. I would like to pay the radio and TV bill.

Situation 7: AUDIO ONLY.

Situation 8: Ask the Gas Company when they can come to turn your meter on.

Situation 9: Say in Italian:

a. I will not be home Monday morning.

b. Can you come Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon after four instead?

Situation 10: Ask Major Bianchi if he will be home Thursday evening.

Situation 11: One of your friends calls you on the phone. He wants to invite you to a party Sunday; unfortunately, you have another engagement. Tell your friend that you are sorry, you are not free Sunday.

Situation 12: Say in Italian: "Agreed. I'll see you Saturday then."




Key to Self-evaluation Quiz

1. Pronto! ENEL? Potreste venire ad aprire il contatore della luce?

2. Pronto! Compagnia del Gas? Potreste venire ad aprire il contatore del gas?

3. Pronto! Compagnia dei telefoni? Potreste venire ad installare il telefono?

4. Pronto! Elettricità Fulmine? Potreste mandare qualcuno a controllare l'impianto elettrico?

5. Pronto! Compagnia Simonetti? Potreste mandare qualcuno a controllare l'impianto idraulico?

6. a. Vorrei pagare la bolletta della luce.

b. Vorrei pagare la bolletta del gas.

c. Vorrei pagare la bolletta della radio-TV.

7. (Mi dia il Suo nome, cognome e indirizzo.)

She wants your name, surname, and address.

8. Quando potreste venire ad aprire il contatore?

9. a. Non sarò a casa lunedì mattina.

b. Potreste venire invece martedì o mercoledì pomeriggio dopo le quattro?

10. Sarà a casa giovedì sera?

11. Mi dispiace. Non sono libero domenica.

12. Intesi. Allora a sabato.