Getting around - Lesson 1 - Self-Evaluation Quiz:

Al posteggio dei tassì

(At the taxi stand)

(photo by  rmlowe used under terms of Creative Commons license.)
italian taxi


Part I

Situation 1: Ask a taxi driver at a taxi stand if he is free.

Situation 2: You want to go to the American Embassy. What do you say to the taxi driver?

Situation 3: Now tell the taxi driver you want to go to number 25 via Chiaia.

Situation 4: Ask Mr. Rossi if he's free this afternoon.

Situation 5: Ask Giulia if she's free this evening.

Situation 6: Tell your friend who wants to invite you out that you aren't free tomorrow.

Situation 7: You are about to pay the fare. Ask the driver how much it is.

Situation 8: AUDIO ONLY.

Situation 9: AUDIO ONLY.


Part II

Transcribe into Arabic numerals the prices given to you in Italian. Each number will be said twice.


1. ________________

2. ________________

3. ________________

4. ________________

5. ________________

6. ________________

7. ________________

8. ________________

9. ________________

10. ________________




Key to Self-evaluation Quiz

Part I

1. È libero?

2. Ambasciata Americana, per favore.

3. Via Chiaia, numero venticinque, per favore.

4. È libero questo pomeriggio?

5. È libera questa sera?

6. Non sono libero domani. OR Non sono libera domani.

7. Quant'è?

8. (Dove vuole andare, Signore?)

Where do you wish to go, sir?

9. (Ha bagagli, Signore?)

Ho questa valigetta.

Non ho bagagli.


Part II

1. Duemilatrecento lire

2. Millesettecento lire

3. Tremilaseicento lire

4. Quattromila. lire

5. Novecentoottanta lire

6. Duemilasettecento lire

7. Cinquemilaottocento lire

8. Settecentocinquanta lire

9. Tremilacinquecento lire

10. Millenovecento lire