Shopping - Lesson 13 - Self-Evaluation Quiz:

Contrattare al mercato delle pulci

(Bargaining at the flea market)

(photo by  Manuela used under terms of Creative Commons license.)
mercato delle pulci


Situation 1: At the flea market, ask the salesperson:

a. How much does this vase cost?

b. How much does this lamp cost?

c. How much does this clock cost?

Situation 2: You spot a mirror that you like, but don't know the word for "mirror." Ask the salesperson, "How much does this cost?"

Situation 3: AUDIO ONLY.

Situation 4: Tell the salesperson:

a. No! It's too expensive!

b. I'll give you 175,000 lire.

Situation 5: AUDIO ONLY.

Situation 6: AUDIO ONLY.

Situation 7: AUDIO ONLY.

Situation 8: AUDIO ONLY.

Situation 9:  Tell the salesperson, "100,000 lire, that's my last price. Take it or leave it."




Key to Self-evaluation Quiz

1. a. Quanto costa questo vaso?

b. Quanto costa questa lampada?

c. Quanto costa quest'orologio?

2. Quanto costa questo?

(È caro, ma è importato dalla Svizzera, sa!)

3. It's expensive, but it's imported from Switzerland, you know

4. a. No! È troppo caro!

b. Le do 175.000 lire.

5. (Vuole qualcosa di meno caro?)

Do you want something less expensive?

6. (Quanto ha pagato la giacca?)

L'ho pagata 230.000 lire.

7. (Lei scherza! L'ho pagato 145.000 lire.)

You are kidding! I paid 145,000 lire for it!

8. (La lascio andare per 115.000 lire. Lei fa un buon affare. È regalata a questo prezzo.

I'll let you have it for 115,000 lire. You are getting a good bargain. It's a steal at this price.

9. 100.000 lire, è il mio ultimo prezzo. Prendere o lasciare.