Shopping - Lesson 6 - Self-Evaluation Quiz:

Nel reparto di abbigliamento maschile in un grande magazzino

(In the men's clothing section of a department store)

(photo by  Sitebase used under terms of Creative Commons license.)
men's clothing


Situation 1: Tell the salesperson in a men's store that you would like a white shirt and a pair of black socks.

Situation 2: Tell the salesperson that you need a red tie and some handkerchiefs-

Situation 3: AUDIO ONLY.

Situation 4: Tell the salesperson that you would like some gray pants and a belt.

Situation 5: Tell the salesperson that you need a sports jacket and a white pullover.

Situation 6: Tell the salesperson that you would like a blue suit and a pair of pajamas.

Situation 7: AUDIO ONLY.

Situation 8: Tell the salesperson, "38 or 40, I think."

Situation 9: The salesperson brings a shirt in the size you asked for. Thank her and tell her that you think it will do.

Situation 10: The salesperson shows you a variety of blue ties. Tell her, "This one is too light. That one will do very well."




Key to Self-evaluation Quiz

1. Vorrei una camicia bianca ed un paio di calzini neri.

2. Ho bisogno di una cravatta rossa e dei fazzoletti.

3. (Noi abbiamo una grande scelta di camice bianche.)

We have a large selection of white shirts.

4. Vorrei dei pantaloni grigi e una cinghia.

5. Ho bisogno di una giacca sprtiva ed un pullover bianco.

6. Vorrei un vestito blu ed un pigiama.

7. (Da questa parte, per favore. Che taglia porta?)

Follow me, please. What size do you wear?

8. 38 o 40, penso.

9. Grazie, Signorina (Signora). Penso che vada bene.

10. Questa é troppo chiara. Quella lì va molto bene.