Telephone calls - Lesson 5 - Self-Evaluation Quiz:

Chiedere permesso al proprietario

(Asking the landlord for permission)

(photo by  Meaghan O'Malley used under terms of Creative Commons license.)
bathroom shelf


Situation 1: You are Don Smith. Call your landlord, Mr. Paci, identify yourself, and tell him that you'd like to change the drapes in the dining room. Ask him if it would be possible.

Situation 2: You are John Benson. Call your landlord, Mr. Barbieri, identify yourself, and tell him that you'd like to install some shelves in the garage. Ask him if it would be possible.

Situation 3: You are Robert Brown. Call your landlord, Mr. Roscelli, and tell him you'd like to repaint the bedroom and the living room. Ask him if it would be possible.

Situation 4: AUDIO ONLY.

Situation 5: Ask your landlord, Mr. Paci, at what time he's coming.

Situation 6: AUDIO ONLY.




Key to Self-evaluation Quiz

1. Pronto! Signor Paci? Parla Don Smith. Vorrei cambiare i tendaggi nella stanza da pranzo. Sarebbe possibile?

2. Pronto! Signor Barbieri? Parla John Benson. Vorrei installare degli scaffali nel garage. Sarebbe possibile?

3. Pronto! Signor Roscelli? Parla Robert Brown. Vorrei riverniciare la camera da letto e il soggiorno. Sarebbe possibile? OR Pronto! Signor Roscelli? Parla Robert Brown. Vorrei riverniciare la camera da letto e la stanza di soggiorno. Sarebbe possibile?

4. (Penso che possa essere fatto. Vengo a vederLa stasera, d'accordo? Ne parleremo.)

He said, "I think that it can be done. I'll come to see you this evening, OK? We'll talk about it."

5. A che ora viene?

6. (Sarò da Lei verso le otto e mezza. Va bene?)

He said, "I'll be at your house around 8:30. OK?"