Eating out - Lesson 1 - Exercises:

Volete prendere un aperitivo prima di mangiare?

(Ordering aperitifs)

(photo by  MargaretNapier used under terms of Creative Commons license.)
italian restaurant


Exercise 1          Exercise 2           Exercise 3         Exercise 4          Exercise 5        

Exercise 6          Exercise 7           Exercise 8         Exercise 9          Exercise 10      


 Exercise 1 : Repetition








gentlemen, sir, ma'am

Signore e Signori

ladies and gentlemen




young ladies


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 Exercise 2 : 


You hear Signore

You say Buona sera, Signore



Signore e Signori







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 Exercise 3 Say in Italian

Good morning, sir.

Good evening, ma’am.

Good morning, gentlemen.

Good evening, ladies.

Good evening, gentlemen.

Good evening, miss.

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen

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 Exercise 4 : Say in Italian

A table for two, please.

Waiter, the menu, please.

Miss, the menu, please.

Waiter, a table for three, please.



uno, un, and una, un' = "a," "an"


uno before a noun beginning with a z or with an s followed by a consonant.

un before a noun beginning with all other consonants and vowels


una before a noun beginning with a consonant.

un' before a noun beginning with a vowel.

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 Exercise 5 : Repetition


un Cizano

un Negroni

un Campari

uno scotch

un Punt e Mes

un bourbon

un Dubonnet

un Martini


un whiskey


NOTE: Martini is a brand of vermouth, Martini e Rossi, and not the drink made with gin or vodka that Americans call a martini. For that you should ask for un martini Americano. If you say un Martini, you will get just vermouth.

Negroni is an Italian drink made of equal parts of gin, Campari, sweet or dry vermouth, ice and a slice of orange.

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 Exercise 6

You hear: Vuole prendere* un aperitivo?

- Cinzano

You say: Io prenderei un Cinzano.




Punt e Mes

bourbon con ghiaccio



martini americano





* Notice that the verb prendere, to take," is used when referring to food or drink.

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 Exercise 7 : Repetition


to eat

un ristorante

a restaurant

un pasto

a meal

una cena

a dinner


to dine

un pranzo

a lunch


to lunch, to have lunch

una colazione

a breakfast

fare colazione

to have breakfast

bere qualcosa

to drink something, to have a drink

una mezza porzione

a half portion

una bella porzione

a generous portion

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 Exercise 8 : Repetition

c'è un buon ristorante nelle vicinanze?

Is there a good restaurant nearby?


Una tavola per quattro.

A table for four.


Cameriere, il menù, per favore.

Waiter, the menu, please.


Dove andiamo a pranzare a mezzogiorno?

Where are we going to have lunch at noon?


Andiamo a bere qualcosa.

Let's go (to) have a drink.


Andiamo a farci un caffe.

Let's go (to) have (a) coffee.


Vorrei andare alla rosticceria.

I'd like to go to the rotisserie.


La cena e alle otto e mezza.

Dinner is at 8:30.


È inclusa la colazione?

Is breakfast included?


Mi dia uno scotch con ghiaccio.

Give me a scotch on the rocks.


Io vorrei un bourbon con ghiaccio.

I would like a bourbon on the rocks.


Niente per me.

Nothing for me.

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 Exercise 9 : Say in Italian

1. I would like a scotch on the rocks.

2. Dinner is at 8:30.

3. Is there a good restaurant nearby?

4. Where are we going to eat today?

5. Let's go have a drink.

6. Miss, the menu, please.

7. Waiter, a table for two, please.

8. I would like to go to the rotisserie.

9. I'll have an American martini on the rocks.

10. Give me a Campari and soda.


Key to Exercise 9

 Exercise 10 Conversation for Listening Comprehension


Buon giorno, Signori. Siete in tre?

Don Smith:

Si. Una tavola per tre, per favore.


Da questa parte, prego. Ecco il menù. Desiderate un aperitivo?

Mrs. Smith:

Niente per me, grazie.

Don Smith:

Io prenderei un Campari soda.


E Lei Signora?

Signora Rossi:

Vorrei un bourbon con ghiaccio.


Bene, Signori. Tante grazie.

Key to Exercise 10

Key to Exercises

Key to Exercise 9

1. Io vorrei uno scotch con ghiaccio.

2. La cena è alle otto e mezza.

3. C'è un buon ristorante nelle vicinanze?

4. Dove andiamo a mangiare oggi?

5. Andiamo a bere qualcosa.

6. Signorina, il menù, per favore.

7. Cameriere, una tavola per due, per cortesia.

8. Vorrei andare alla rosticceria.

9. Io vorrei un martini americano con ghiaccio.

10. Mi dia un Campari soda.

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Key to Exercise 10

Waiter: Good day, sir, ladies, Are you (in) three?

Don Smith: Yes. A table for three, please.

Waiter: This way, please. Here's the menu. Do you wish an aperitif?

Mrs. Smith: Nothing for me, thanks.

Don Smith: I'd like a Campari and soda.

Waiter: And you, ma'am?

Signora Rossi: I'd like a bourbon on the rocks.

Waiter: OK, sir, ladies. Many thanks.

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